Here is my Next blog. Thanks to Aishu for tagging me and I hope that I have done justice. As per this tag I need to pen down 10 things that I have done/wanted to do which was not supposed to done by my gender.
People around me will know that I will definitely do things when someone say that "You are not supposed to do it being a girl". There are few things acceptable when people say that is not good or advisable but then when they say you are not supposed to do "because you are a girl", I somehow get the feeling of doing it and I end up doing it also. :-)
So, These are the few things I have done what my gender was not supposed to do
* I am really fond of driving and yes, I have gone for a couple of bike trips well not more 300 kms...Also, I love rash driving which will be accepted by most of my friends who has seen me driving.

* Most of the time have reached my hometown mid night and walk home alone from the bus stop (Distance approx 1.5 kms atleast)
* As Banu said, I too hate soft toys. :D I never understood why girls go crazy about soft toys.
* I do love shopping but I don't take lot of time to choose one and really hate people who take long hours.
* I am not a big fan of pink. I can digest one or pink dresses but I don't like pink everywhere and my favourite color is Blue.
* I never understand why girls spend a lot of time in washroom checking their hairdo and makeup every hour.
* Have had the guts to slap two guys till date (Both were Perverts)
* I really don't know how to walk like a girl and feel shy when time really demands. :-)
I always wanted to do this.
* Love to own a Royal Enfield for which I would get a big NO from my family even though I know to drive. I really wanna go on a bike trip somewhere to North or at least to my Home town from Chennai
Let me tag people now
Hi da... Whatever I listed in my blog was what I wanted to do and not what I did... I indeed love soft toys and sleep daily hugging it :)
And yes yes, we do want to do bike trips. Let us enjoy in our own Pleasure and Dio's once i come to chennai..
Ooohoo Royal Enfield eh...I can imagine you driving that!
@Banu - oops, got it wrong. Waiting to have you down in Chennai :-)
@ Aishu - he he he.. :-)
rash driving!!!! I know I know!!!I will never forget the sharp turn you took when we were riding ur bike over some bridge in chennai!! My heart almost stopped! he..he..
Namma tamilnadu culture ellarukkum pidikkurathukku karaname ponnungala thaan. Avunga adakkumum, panivum thaan. advice oh thathuvamo illa... ithan unma!
Anyway hats off for your guts...But its not advisable... Ponna poranthathukku evlo peruma padanum ne.. atha vittutu pasanga panrathalam pannanum nu...
@ Snowdrop - I know that the turn gave you a heart failure. :D
@ Karthik - Thanks for your advise. I didnt mention anywhere that I regret being a girl, I love that fact that I am girl. Also, I like to do some additional stuffs which were not supposed to be done by girls.. Thats it..
It was good. But you can do better. I hope you pinged to update me of your new one.. Bring on some more spices to the blog. All the best...
we know that you are our Desi Lara Craft saranya... keep rockin
Thanks Srikanth!!!
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