I have always wanted to start blogging when I read Banu's blog on Memories to Cherish Part 2 but time didn't favour me. When I came across Banu's Ten to One --- Tag, I thought it was high time to start blogging.
Here is my Next blog. Thanks to Aishu for tagging me and I hope that I have done justice. As per this tag I need to pen down 10 things that I have done/wanted to do which was not supposed to done by my gender.
People around me will know that I will definitely do things when someone say that "You are not supposed to do it being a girl". There are few things acceptable when people say that is not good or advisable but then when they say you are not supposed to do "because you are a girl", I somehow get the feeling of doing it and I end up doing it also. :-)
So, These are the few things I have done what my gender was not supposed to do
* I am really fond of driving and yes, I have gone for a couple of bike trips well not more 300 kms...Also, I love rash driving which will be accepted by most of my friends who has seen me driving.
* Have Whistled and do whistle for all the Hero's opening scene for which my mom usually says "nee enna paiyana".
* Most of the time have reached my hometown mid night and walk home alone from the bus stop (Distance approx 1.5 kms atleast)
* As Banu said, I too hate soft toys. :D I never understood why girls go crazy about soft toys.
* I do love shopping but I don't take lot of time to choose one and really hate people who take long hours.
* I am not a big fan of pink. I can digest one or pink dresses but I don't like pink everywhere and my favourite color is Blue.
* I never understand why girls spend a lot of time in washroom checking their hairdo and makeup every hour.
* Have had the guts to slap two guys till date (Both were Perverts)
* I really don't know how to walk like a girl and feel shy when time really demands. :-)
I always wanted to do this.
* Love to own a Royal Enfield for which I would get a big NO from my family even though I know to drive. I really wanna go on a bike trip somewhere to North or at least to my Home town from Chennai
To get started with Blogging here are Ten to one questions that was posted in one of my friend's blog. Wish me luck guys.!!! :-)
Happy Reading!!!
Ten how’s:
1. How did you get one of your scars? Well, this is a easy one... I have a scar on right ring finger which I got it by an accident in my 11th STD. :-D 2. How did you celebrate your last birthday? My last birthday was the most memorable one till date. I had a surprise visit from my mom and from my bro at midnight. Thanks to my dear old friend for making it happen. 3. How are you feeling at this moment? I am quite excited and happy because this is my first Blog and well I am waiting for my Hike.. 4. How did your night go last night? I was travelling from my native to Chennai in bus. It was not great actually. I usually like sleeping during my bus travels and last night a guy sitting behind me was trying to sing. The sad part was he was singing at 3 AM... :( 5. How did you do in high school? My High school was really great!!! I was not great in my studies but good in Sports and yes I was my School's Games Captain and had loads of fun on the grounds. Well, I managed to get a course in NITT.. 6. How did you get the dress you’re wearing? I'm wearing a Blue Salwar which was gifted to me by my Friend. 7. How often do you see your best friend(s)? I meet one of my best friend atleast once in 2 months and others are in Chennai and I get to meet them daily. :) 8. How much money did you spend last month? Around 9k exculding the household stuffs. 9. How old do you want to be when you get married? 27-28 10. How old will you be at your next birthday? My age in the blog + 1. ;)
Nine what’s:
1. Your mothers name? Famous Indian Athlete's name 2. What did you do last weekend? Went to my Native - Salem and spend time with mom and bro. 3. What is the most important part of your life? Moments with my mom 4. What would you rather be doing? Watching movies or roaming :D 5. What did you last cry over? 10 days back.. Dont ask me why, it was because of a stupid reason 6. What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? Talking to my mom and my dear old friend. 7. What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? Caring 8. What are you worried about? Nothing as of now! 9. What did you have for breakfast? Milk and oats!!!
Eight you’s:
1. Have you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend? Yes. 2. Have you ever had your heartbroken? Yes. 3. Have you ever been out of the country? Yes. 4. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? Well yeah.. 5. Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend? Yes. 6. Have you ever had sex on the beach? Definitely No!!! 7. Have you ever dated someone younger than you? Nope!! 8. Have you ever read an entire book in one day? Definitely yes.. HP!!
Seven who’s:
1. Who was the last person you saw? My Colleague Saranya 2. Who was the last person you texted? Kalai 3. Who was the last person you hung out with? My Brother 4. Who was the last person to call you? SBI Credit Card 5. Who did you last hug? My Mom 6. Who is the last person who texted you? Sumathi 7. Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? Secret!!! :P
Six where’s:
1. Where does your best friend(s) live? One in Hyderabad and others in Chennai 2. Where did you last go? Salem 3. Where did you last hang out? PVR cinemas 4. Where do you go to school? Salem 5. Where is your favorite place to be? Besant Nagar Beach 6. Where did you sleep last night? In SVL Bus. As stated above, was travelling from Salem to Chennai.
Five do’s:
1. Do you think anyone likes you? Yes! 2. Do you ever wish you were someone else? Nope. I like being me. 3. Do you know the muffin man? Nope. 4. Does the future scare you? Not really. 5. Do your parents know about your blog? I have just started blogging. Will tell my mom tonight
Four why’s:
1. Why are you best friends with your best friend? They have never let me down and accept me as I am. 2. Why did you get into Blogging? I really wanted to write this down. 3. Why did your parents give you the name you have? Well, My aunt chose the name! 4. Why are you doing this survey? Wanted to start blogging with this post.
Three if’s:
1. If you could have one super power what would it be? I would like to time travel :) 2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you? Nothing really. 3. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring 1 thing, what would you bring? I would bring one ship full of needed stuffs. :D
Two would-you-ever’s:
1. Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you? Well, I am not sure about it. 2. Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? Of course yes...
One last question:
1. Are you happy with your life right now? I am happy for what I am... :-)