As a part IBM CSC, we (Brad, Belinda and myself) were assigned to the team "Union Atameken". Atameken is Non-government organization with main mission to protect entrepreneurs right in government and parliament. Thus, each law legislated in Kazakhstan should have expert review from Atameken. Having around 2000 laws and bills per year with 30 experts for review, it is creating enormous workload for experts. The project is aiming to create online crowd sourcing collaboration platform helping to NGO to review bills. System should be able to deliver simple interface to end users enabling participation in law creation. System should track changes and versions of document. The system should be integrated with internal document exchange system, so that changes could be displayed in website.
According to the scope of work, we were involved in assisting the IT department by providing IT Strategy plan and Law review system website requirements & recommendations. Since the project was for 4 weeks, we used the Agile methodology which has 10 minutes stand up meetings to discuss the flow of work with our client. We used Rational Team Concert and Rational Requirement Composer to capture our deliverable.
Our first week of work was focused on getting the scope of work finalized and we conducted a series of interviews with the Atameken staffs for requirement gathering which was extended to the second week. Major part of third week was focused on the recommendations for the law review website along with User Interface prototypes creation and Strategy plan for the IT department. We would get the feedback from our client once a draft version of the documents are created and same would be implemented as the next version. On our last week, after all the requirements and recommendations were finalized, we started preparing for our Client presentation and Press conference. #ibmcsc Kazakhstan

According to the scope of work, we were involved in assisting the IT department by providing IT Strategy plan and Law review system website requirements & recommendations. Since the project was for 4 weeks, we used the Agile methodology which has 10 minutes stand up meetings to discuss the flow of work with our client. We used Rational Team Concert and Rational Requirement Composer to capture our deliverable.
Our first week of work was focused on getting the scope of work finalized and we conducted a series of interviews with the Atameken staffs for requirement gathering which was extended to the second week. Major part of third week was focused on the recommendations for the law review website along with User Interface prototypes creation and Strategy plan for the IT department. We would get the feedback from our client once a draft version of the documents are created and same would be implemented as the next version. On our last week, after all the requirements and recommendations were finalized, we started preparing for our Client presentation and Press conference. #ibmcsc Kazakhstan